Wednesday, August 5, 2009


(For the 10th fifth year plan)
Retrived from


1.1 Orissa is set to march towards a new journey, a new goal and a new destination. The State is bestowed with rich minerals and bio-resources, a unique cultural heritage, luxuriant forest and wildlife, the sprawling Chilika lake, a bountiful coastline and much more. Orissa has been successful enough in drawing global attention owing to its multi-dimensional splendour. A breeze of awakening and progress is now blowing across the State. Orissa is anxious to register its presence in the field of Biotechnology. This document identifies areas of priority for the Tenth Five Year Plan. A vision document with a longer prospective is under preparation.
1.2 The State is located on the eastern coast of the Indian peninsula. The State covers an area of 155,707 sq km and has 31.66 million people (1991 census). The population density is 202 persons/sq km, slightly below the national average of 265 persons/sq km. Orissa lies in the tropical zone between the latitudes of 17º-47’ and 22º-34’ N and longitudes of 81º-22’ and 87º-29’ E. The State can be divided into four distinct physiographical regions viz., the Northern Plateau, Eastern Ghats, central table land and coastal plains. Orissa is drained by three major rivers, the Mahanadi, the Brahmani and the Baitarani. The average rainfall varies between 1,200 mm and 1,600 mm. The State has been facing challenges on account of poverty, unemployment, mal nutrition, inadequate health services, and rapid degradation of environment and natural resources. Orissa is also prone to natural disasters like floods, cyclones and droughts.
1.3 Orissa is predominantly rural with a total of 86.62% rural population. Scheduled tribe and scheduled caste populations constitute 22.4% and 14.66% respectively of the total population of the State. The total livestock population is 22.74 million (1992 livestock census). More than 80% of the population works in the agricultural sector. Around 48% of the State’s population is below the poverty line as against the national average of 33.4%. The infant mortality rate of Orissa is 81% against the national average of 74%. The unemployment situation in the State is quite acute.
1.4 Forests continue to be a source of income and food for a majority of the tribal population. The recorded forest area constitutes 36.73% of the geographic area of the State. The forest cover constitutes 30.21% as against the national forest cover of 19.29% (SFR 1999). There are four forest types namely:
i) Tropical Semi Evergreen
ii) Tropical Moist Deciduous
iii) Tropical Dry Deciduous
iv) Littoral and Swamp Forests
1.5 There are two National Parks and 18 Wildlife Sanctuaries covering 5.11% of the area of the State. The Similipal National Park, also a Tiger Reserve, has been declared as a Biosphere Reserve. The Gahirmatha Wildlife Sanctuary, a mangrove ecosystem, is a famous nesting ground of the Olive Ridley sea turtle.
1.6 Orissa has one of the longest coastlines of the country covering 480 km. Chilika lake, the largest brackish water lake of Asia, with an area of 1140 sq km, is one of the six “Ramsar” sites in the country.
1.7 This perspective document, envisaging biotechnology-based socio-economic development, has been prepared by an Expert Group (Annexure I) comprising of renowned scientists of the country, and experts and officials from the State, keeping in view the State’s strengths and the needs of its people.

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