Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Biotechnology is a frontier area of modern biology, which has the potential to provide substantial benefits to society in such sectors as agriculture, healthcare, forestry, process industry and environmental protection. Commercialization of biotechnology requires financial resources, infrastructure for basic and applied research and the necessary qualified manpower.

Orissa, being a poor State, must utilize the rapid advances being made in biotechnology with optimum use of financial resources and should evolve its own strategy for reaping benefits by utilizing her rich bio-diversity. Training in biotechnology forms an essential part of this strategy, and qualified scientific and technical manpower can play a critical role in developing innovative solutions relevant to local needs and problems.

For development of qualified and trained man power, the following steps are proposed:
i) M.Sc. Biotechnology Programme:
Though the School of Life Sciences at Sambalpur University has been teaching full length papers on genetic engineering and biotechnology in M.Sc. (Life Sciences) since 1989, biotechnology at the M.Sc. level is not taught at any of the Universities/ Colleges of Orissa. Master’s level courses in biotechnology need to be started in different Universities / Institutions of Orissa, as students with this qualification can play a major role in biotechnology-based industries and can be engaged in developing know-how for such industries. It has been decided to start M.Sc. Biotechnology programmes with support from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India at Utkal University and at the Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology at Bhubaneswar. The Ravenshaw College, Cuttack has also started a M.Sc. Biotechnology course (self financing scheme) from December 2001.
ii) Infrastructure for research:
Universities may be offered special one-time grants for setting up infrastructure for R&D in different areas of biotechnology.
iii) Diploma Course in Medical Biotechnology:
One such course is running at Utkal University and this may be further strengthened with additional grants from the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.
iv) Course for Laboratory Technicians:
Research in biotechnology and biotechnology-based industries requires highly skilled manpower for laboratory experiments. One year Laboratory Technician courses for B.Sc. Graduates may be opened in selected Universities/ Institutions.

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